Competition Goal

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well, this month has been incredibly disappointing, exciting, challenging, boring, frustrating, enlightening, exhausting and a whole bunch of other emotions and experiences.
I will end this month with a gain and although for a while I thought of all the ways I could try to kill myself to undo what I had done but in the end I realized that, that is not why I’m here. I’M HERE TO CHANGE MY LIFE!!! I’m not here just to crash diet or win a competition. I am not proud of myself for this month but instead of beating myself up about it I’m going to use it as a learning experience. I know the reasons I’ve gained this month. I could list them one by one and analyst and criticize myself but I don’t think it would do me any good at this point.
This is the first month since July of last year that I have not posted a loss.
So what have I learned by it… I WILL NOT GAIN WEIGHT AGAIN!!!!
Until I’m at my goal weight and have some healthy weight fluctuation I will steadily continue to lose weight.
I did just want to mention one thing. While reflecting about this month and all that has happened one big thing stuck out in my mind; 3 Sundays in a row I didn’t make it to church. My husband, child and myself took turns being sick and subsequently I was at home a lot. Out of everything that I did wrong, everything that made this month a challenge I really believe that was the part that had the greatest effect on me. Going to church is not a requirement or a chore. It’s a blessing… soaking in Gods present and being fed by his word is the VERY best thing I can do for my health. Out of it all… that realization makes this month WELL WORTH IT!
Be blessed!

1 comment:

Jessica B said...

This is sometimes just what we need to refocus and refresh. You will do better and for the right reasons! Think about you have been at this for almost a year, holy hannah thats freakin' awesome. Keep it up, we will concur if not all at once, one bit at a time.