Competition Goal

Sunday, May 9, 2010


First let me just take a second to wish all you HOT MOMS a very Happy Mother's Day!!!

Now with that out of the way i have an announcement: I'm so excited about this month!
My dad, bless his heart, has afforded me the opportunity of a lifetime. I was talking to him about feeling frustrated... feeling like i was going NO WHERE and that i was struggling with motivation. we had a really great conversation and in the end he agreed to help pay for me to work out with a trainer!

So Saturday i met with her for the first time and i have to say I'm THRILLED!!!! Her name is Devin and she's completely amazing. Not only does she have a rocking body and OBVIOUSLY is in great shape it turns out she's got a 4 month old baby girl at home. DAMN!!! That's what I'm going to look like 4 months after my next kid! What an inspiration!

Anyway, We're going to meet three times a week for a while and then maybe cut back to two. I have to admit I'm a little bit nervous. I've worked out with trainers before and I LOVE IT but I've been hesitant to have my butt kicked to hard because I'm a little scared i won't be able to pick Jade up. LOL! I know it will be worth it though. I told her i really wanted to focus on lots of weight and low reps in an effort to "bulk up". :0) This desire comes from a past experience when i worked with my husband. I had this HUGE HUGH HUGE mental block when it came to "losing weight". Whenever i got it in my heed that weight loss was the goal i inevitably got frustrated and just gave up. My brilliant husband suggested we change up the wording. He said, "Let's make your goal to "GAIN muscle". And what do you know... IT WORKED!!! We focused hard on putting on muscle and taking off fat and I'll be darned if the inches didn't fall off me!

I literally didn't lose to much weight though... all the fat was replaced with muscle so I'm not sure this approach will win me the competition but you can bet your sweet bottom I'll kick some serious but in inch loss!!!!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Grace said...

Gaining muscle sounds like a great goal! How awesome that your dad is supporting you with this. Sounds like a fantastic month you've got lined up for yourself. Remember to take your before measurements and pictures. I've been so happy that I'm tracking my measurements as well as my weight.