Competition Goal

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The FAT me

I've been trying to think of something to blog about and I have just felt as if I have nothing to say. "I'm like speechless. I have no words. That never happens to me... words are my life!" (Can you name that movie?) Anyway... The other day I was texting a friend of mine about my month so far I had the big EUREKA moment. Here it is:

I have said that I've gained weight since the last competition but I've been a little tight lipped to most about just HOW MUCH it is because I was feeling all weird about it. It's 20 pounds. But I've come to realize that although admitting this out loud is disturbing it is also somewhat liberating too.

The admission of this truth brings with it the truth that I am back over 300 pounds. Something I swore I would NEVER do again. Yet here I am, 10.8 pounds over the BIG 300 to be exact. That's a lot. My goal for this month is to lose 20 pounds. The idea that doing this will just undo the damage I've done by being completely stupid for the last 3 months kinda makes me sick. BUT it also kinda makes me happy too. I know weird, right? Well here's the thing. Before now that would seem like something impossible. Something unachievable. Something overwhelming. Something that I COULD NOT DO... Before I would have been so utterly depressed by the fact that I had gained that weight and I would have beat myself up about it for days, weeks... even months. All the while gaining more and more and more.

But that was BEFORE.

I don't know exactly when this mind set changed, all I can say is sometime in the last 1.5 years it did. And now, I'm happy because I know that I CAN do it. It may take a month to undo the last 3 months of bad choices but it's not going to take a year. Even if it took me 3 months to undo I know now that I can do it.

I still have within me that feeling of shame, of guilt. That feeling in me that somehow if I say it out loud to the world (or at least to those of you that are reading this now) if I admit that I messed up and just how bad, that you'll be disappointed in me. I still have that nagging feeling that I'm disappointed in myself. Those feelings have been such an integral part of my life for so long I don't know if they'll ever go away completely. I think that even if I made it to my ULTIMATE goal weight I'd still fight those feelings every time I gained even 5 pounds.
Being fat, gaining weight, fighting the "endless battle" of losing weight, that's who I've been for as long as I can remember.

But guess what! All tied up in that same string of emotions I also now have hope, strength, determination and knowledge. I have a knowledge that if I just set my mind to it, do the things I now know I CAN do... 20 pounds is a piece of cake! I'm serious. A piece of cake. I know now that I can lose weight. I know now that I can lose 97 pounds because I have done it before. I know that I can do even better than that. I know that I posses the skill, knowledge and strength that it takes. Sometimes, in the midst of life, I forget. Or I start to doubt myself and wonder if I can. But that's just the old me, the insecure me, the FAT me talking. But now, that person doesn't exist anymore.

I'm not saying I'm skinny, that'd just be stupid. I'm saying that I no longer question my ability to fight this fight. More importantly, I no longer question my ability to win. I can do this!

When I did my first half marathon I honestly did not know if I could do it. That was one of the most challenging things I have ever put myself through. Once I crossed that finish line something in me was changed forever. When I did my second half marathon, although I had not been training and was not prepared, I was able to finish because I had done it once before.
I KNEW I could do it. That knowledge was all I needed to get me through.

We hear it all the time, "mind over matter".
One of the truest statements ever uttered.
Our minds are so powerful.
If I can quiet that Fat me in my head. If I listen to what I know,
to what I believe to be true,
not what I fear,
then I can do anything.
If you can just get past that part of your mind that doubts it,
you can do anything too.
I can do this. I KNOW I can.
(whatever it is)
So can you!


Karilynn said...

Mindy! I love you!! And guess what? I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You have always been unstoppable.. keep moving forward.. P.S. you are so buying me lunch next month! ;)

Samantha Thomas said...

Girl, You always inspire me at any weight. You always battle something I battle or I tell myself I can't do. You have inspired me to do 2 or more 5K's this year. I have never done one before. The first one I'm going to walk with my family in March. The next one will be in May. I CAN do this... I've made goals time and time again and this time, I won't let myself tell myself I can not do it. I have to atleast try!

I'm always here for you girl.

Jen said...

Just had to come back and read this again, because you are so inspiring! I don't tell you that often enough, but I'm soooo glad that I get to be by your side for every step of this crazy journey, and see the growth and shrinkage as it comes, and I have NO DOUBT that we will both make it, we will both get to our goal weights, and I can't WAIT to see us then :)

p.s. time to blog again ;) the rest of us are on the edge of our seats waiting for that next dose of motivation and inspiration that you are so good at dishing out!