Competition Goal

Thursday, January 20, 2011

At least I did… At least I didn’t…

I was on Facebook the other day (you gotta love facebook… lol) and in my news feed I saw a conversation between some old friends of mine. I knew these guys from my high school days when I was crazy enough to think I could be a skater. YIKES! Ah… the good ol days! LOL Anyway, the comments said this, Keegan: “Brit Gunderson or Danny Coleman, what was so bad about saying at least?” After some digital laughter (hahahahaha) Danny said this, “I think it’s cuz you didn’t give it your all and giving yourself an out by saying ‘at least I…” Brinton followed up with this, “It’s an automatic excuse!!! At least I didn’t fall… at least I didn’t bleed… but the bottom line is YOU DIDN’T DO WHATEVER YOU WERE TRYING TO DO!”

I’m not really sure I need to make too many comments about this. If reading this hit home for you like it did for me than you can probably stop reading right here and just reflect on your own “at least’s”. But, if it didn’t, or you’re just curious here’s my ten cents opinion about the subject.

I’ve made it no secret that I spent the last few months making stupid choices. I realize now that I’ve been saying “at least” a lot! “At least I didn’t do drugs; at least it was 20 and not 40” And so on and so forth.

I also find myself saying it even now; now that I’m back on track. I didn’t do the 6 miles I planned today but “at least” I did 4. I wanted to get to the gym 5 times this week but at least I got there 3 times. I wanted to be perfectly on menu but “at least” I did 6 out of 7 days.

This has got me thinking!

I am normally one to encourage people to focus on the good things they do. Yeah you wanted to go 5 days but look, you went 3! That’s great! Focus on that and make a goal to do better next week. I still think there is value in that because I think it is better to focus on the good that you’re doing rather than the bad especially if looking at the bad is going to bum you out and cause you to make even worse choices. I know for me, starting out, I had to do that a lot. I had to praise myself for every accomplishment, even in its smallest measure, because if I didn’t I would get discouraged and spiral farther and farther away from my goal.

But I find myself asking if I need that now?

Do I need to focus on the small accomplishments and dismiss the fact that I didn’t do what I planned to do?

No, I don’t!

I’ve been at this game long enough to look honestly at what I’ve been doing and what I’m doing wrong. I know what my capabilities are and I know what my limits are. I know how to set appropriate and obtainable goals; goals that will stretch me just a little for that week. So, as far as I’m concerned I’m done with “at least”. When I don’t accomplish the goal I set for myself I’m not going to make excuses. At this point I’m not helping myself at all by doing this.

Every time I excuse myself from doing “great” by accepting my “Ok” I sell myself short. Every time I excuse myself from doing my “best” by accepting or kidding myself that I’m doing “better” I cheat myself out of an opportunity to learn and grow. Every time I kid myself, lie to myself, lie to someone else, exaggerate or under exaggerate what I have done or haven’t done I am holding back my true potential.

I’m done denying myself my true potential.

I will not hide behind my “at least I did”… or “at least I didn’t”…

From now on if I set a goal and do not accomplish that goal I will not list all of the reasons it was ok. I will not whip out the “at least” and rationalize it away. From now on I am going to acknowledge my shortcomings and my successes without lying to myself, without any excuses.

Bottom Line: If you find yourself saying “at least I…” You did not do what it was you were planning to do! You did not accomplish your goal. You did not follow through. You did not live up to your full potential. Don’t beat yourself up about it but don’t lie to yourself about it either. If you find yourself saying “at least I…” you are selling yourself short and you deserve better.

You deserve the best.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes I do!!!! So do you, Mindy!!! Another great post!!! Luvs it!!